Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What are your favorite Benefit cosmetic products? :]?

I'm trying to decide what make up from Benefit I should get. This will be my first time trying their stuff, Lol. I have a budget of 150$; what should I get? :PWhat are your favorite Benefit cosmetic products? :]?
erase paste will work wonders on zits or pimples ect. also get the california kissin' lipgloss... its blue! well in the bottle, but its clear gloss on the lips with lots of sparkle. it also freshins your breath as you talk@ its really amaizng. so buy it! hope this helps

xoox.What are your favorite Benefit cosmetic products? :]?
The best concealer I've ever used is Benefit's boi-ing. I have allergies and asthma on a good day I have dark circles. This will cover them up and any other imperfections you may have. I also love the big beatutiful eyes palette and it also has the boi-ing in the palette. Also, their galactic shield concealer is awesome for covering up and healing pimples. (I use this on hubby sometimes) And Badgal blue mascara. I know blue right, but it's not scary. Just enough pop. I prefer a different line of skin care products for lotions and scrubs. But they have some really nice stuff.

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